
The striver, entrepreneurial, driven, active, social, and optimistic; finding ways to hack both life and work.
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The striver, entrepreneurial, driven, active, social, and optimistic; finding ways to hack both life and work.

Pioneer likes to strive for more. This consumer archetype is entrepreneurial, driven, active, social, and the most optimistic about their own future of all the archetypes. They often care a lot about making money balanced with a desire to be social and pursue their own hobbies and interests. They are more likely to be self-employed or have a side hustle.

They tend to be more environmentally-conscious and active on social and political causes than other archetypes. They also tend to skew liberal and have an above-average interest in spirituality.

Pioneers typically have an intrinsic love of learning and like to stay ahead of trends – from crypto to new tech to sustainability. Pioneer is an early-adopter; they purchase the latest tech, are active on social media (especially when it comes to sports), and are consistent health-trackers. They like to compete when exercising, both with themselves and with others.