
Homebody largely likes stability and doesn't mind spending time on their own. You typically won’t get them on any bandwagons – they are tech-cautious and anti-trend. They are often retired or engaged in full- or part-time work to support their family. When they aren’t working, they value time to unwind; Homebody tends to spend a lot of time on their own reading or consuming content. They like things the way they’ve always been, and don’t typically crave newness like traveling to exotic locations or meeting lots of new people.
However, they greatly value their family relationships – especially staying in touch with older children, who they may see less than they’d like. They tend to prefer high-quality physical products instead of trendy tech or fast fashion, and perhaps surprisingly, place strong emphasis on their gender and sexual identity. Simply, they like what they like, and they value the stability they’ve created for themselves.